Statement on Steward hospital closures

If you are affected by the closures of Carney Hospital and Nashoba Valley Medical Center.

Health & wellness

Sometimes we all need a little help managing our health

Living Well℠ 

Tufts Health Plan takes a holistic approach to well-being focused on improving the whole person. Our Living Well℠ programs offer dynamic tools and personalized activities that support emotional, physical, financial and work well-being. 

Living Well health portal

Living Well at home

Mind the Moment 

An innovative mindfulness training program. Since 2005, Mind the Moment has been offering mindfulness education to organizations and the public—bringing mindfulness to hundreds of companies, and tens of thousands of individuals.

View mindfulness resources

Family-centered care 

A commitment to do the right thing — to be there for you and your family — no matter what family looks like to you or how you define it. 

Explore family-centered care

Preventive care 

Stay healthy for the ones you love with checkups, regular screenings, immunizations and more.

Stay healthy with preventive care