How to help kids develop healthy eating habits

By Marilena Santizo RN, BSN, Integrated Care Management, Tufts Health Plan

June 30, 2022  

Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the U.S. Here in Rhode Island, about one in five kids is obese. Kids who carry too much weight have a higher risk for health issues now and in the future. Added weight can cause problems with the heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain and joints.

In contrast, some kids don’t eat enough. Both situations can worry parents.

What you can do

Your kids look to you for advice and support. To foster healthy eating habits, try these tips:

  • Help the whole family create healthy habits. To start you can try to:
    • Limit screen time
    • Make sleep a priority
  • Have healthy foods on hand for your children that are full of nutrients without adding extra calories
    • Choose lean meats, whole grains, fruits and veggies
    • Limit foods with added sugar and fats
  • Urge your children to be more active
    • Sign them up for sports
    • Give them time to play outside
  • Talk to your children’s health care provider if you need added support

Help for our members

Our Good Measures* program may also be a good option for your family. It’s a benefit for members ages 5 and older. A dietitian can help your kids reach their nutrition and fitness goals. They can also help you come up with ways to make healthier versions of foods your family enjoys.

Visit Good Measures

*Tufts Health Plan has a minority ownership interest in Good Measures.

Healthy food close to home

Looking for tasty and nutritious food for your family? One option is to try farmers’ markets in your area. You can find a list of local farmers’ markets at The site also tells you which farmers’ markets:

  • Take Women, Infants and Children (WIC) checks
  • Take Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cards
  • Offer Bonus Bucks. SNAP/EBT users can earn a 100% bonus every time they shop at certain farmers markets! For every dollar they spend on their EBT card, they earn a free dollar they can use to buy fresh fruit, veggies and herbs.