We need to have current information about you to make sure you get the best care. Please let us know if your name, address, phone number or other details change. To do that:
- Call member services at 866-738-4116 (TTY: 711)
- Visit us online on your member portal. If you don’t have an account yet, follow the steps to sign up.
You also need to let the state know of any changes. You can:
- Call HealthSource RI at 855-840-4774. Or visit healthsourceri.com
- Call the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) at 855-MY-RIDHS (855-697-4347)
Are you the parent/guardian of a child with special needs?
Call your local DHS office if there are any changes to your child’s information.
Machine Readable Formats
As specified by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Contractor's must publish data on their website in a machine-readable format, effective 7/1/2021. To complete this requirement, the following files are available in a machine-readable format: