Additional resources

Your Rights and Responsibilities
Learn about your rights and responsibilities.

You can make an inquiry (ask us a question or make a request) at any time about our operations.

Grievances and Appeals
You can file a grievance about something we do. Or you can appeal a decision we make.

You can complain to the Rhode Island Department of Human Services.

Notice of Mental Health Parity
You get the same level of care for mental health, substance use and physical problems.

Notice of Privacy Practices
We protect your information.

Advance Directives
Advance directives are written instructions. They’re sometimes called a living will or a durable power of attorney. They make known your needs about medical treatment.

Quality Improvement Work Plan Summary
Our quality program helps us make sure you get the right care, at the right time and in the right place.


Maternity resources

Benefits and programs for new moms

Learn more