Flu shots

The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. Flu shots are covered in full for Tufts Health Plan members; there’s no extra cost.


El número de casos de gripe estacional es elevado y sigue en aumento. Los miembros de Tufts Health Plan tienen cobertura total para las vacunas contra la gripe; no hay ningún costo adicional.  

Your member ID card

Once you’re enrolled in Tufts Health One Care, you’ll get a member ID card

This card has important information for you and your providers.


sample member ID card


You can also request a new member ID card with your member portal (link opens outside Tufts Health Plan's website), our self-service tool. With your member portal, you can do things like keep track of your medical history as well as:

  • Choose or change your primary care provider (PCP)
  • Update your contact information

Don’t have an account? Sign up today! (link opens outside Tufts Health Plan’s website). Or download the free Tufts Health Plan app to access your member portal on your mobile device. The app is available at the Apple App Store or Google Play.



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Page modified on: 4/7/2016 6:59:33 PM