We aim to provide high-quality, cost-effective options for drug therapy. We work with your providers and pharmacists to make sure we cover the most important and useful drugs for a variety of conditions and diseases.

What drugs are covered?
Tufts Health Direct uses a Preferred Drug List (PDL), also known as Formulary, as our list of covered drugs. To quickly find out if we cover a specific drug, look it up in our PDL. The PDL applies only to covered drugs you get at retail, specialty and mail-order pharmacies. The PDL does not apply to drugs you get if you are in the hospital. We cover first-time prescriptions and refills.
For more information, please read our Pharmacy Medical Necessity Guidelines.
RX Reimbursement Standard Claim Form
Step therapy program continuity of coverage for Tufts Health Direct members
In accordance with state law, when a Tufts Health Direct member has already been prescribed and is stable on a drug subject to step therapy requirements, Tufts Health Plan will allow a one-time transition fill for up to 30-day supply of the requested drug while the step therapy exception request is being reviewed. Please contact Tufts Health Direct Member Services at 888-257-1985 to request the one-time transition fill.
Where can I fill prescriptions?
A pharmacist at a large-chain or an independent pharmacy can fill your prescription. You can use our Find a Doctor, Hospital, or Pharmacy tool to find a pharmacy near you.
You can also get your prescription medications by mail through our mail-order pharmacy, OptumRx.