Family support and training (FS&T)

Family support and training (FS&T) are services that a parent(s) or caregiver(s) of a child or teen under the age of 19 can get where they live to help them provide the emotional and behavioral health support and care the child or teen needs.

Services for a parent/caregiver may include:

  • Education, coaching and training
  • Help with agencies that serve children (e.g., Departments of Children and Families or Mental Health and Youth Services)
  • Help finding peer/parent support and self-help groups
  • Help finding community resources (e.g., after-school programs, food assistance and summer camps)

FS&T services are hub-dependent, meaning they require referral from a clinical-hub provider – an outpatient or in-home therapy provider – who coordinates the child's or teen’s care and works with other service providers. FS&T services can also be provided in conjunction with intensive care coordination services, which would also be a clinical hub provider within the community service agency. FS&T does not require prior authorization.

To find an FS&T provider in your area go to:

Scroll down to Youth and Family Services, click on find provider openings, and choose the service you want from the drop-down menu.

When choosing a provider, you need to call the provider or us at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711) to make sure the provider accepts Tufts Health Direct.

Or visit our Find a Doctor, Hospital, or Pharmacy tool: 

  • Search Tool
  • In the upper right section select “Location” and put in your town or zip code
  • Select  “Places by Type” 
  • Type in “Family Support and Training”
  • Click on the service from the drop-down list
  • Select from the providers listed


Need help with behavioral health (BH) (mental health or substance use disorders) issues? 

Our BH service navigation program can provide you with personal support from the start. 

To learn more about the program call 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711) and ask to talk with a BH service navigator or click here.