Flu shots

The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. Flu shots are covered in full for Tufts Health Plan members; there’s no extra cost.


El número de casos de gripe estacional es elevado y sigue en aumento. Los miembros de Tufts Health Plan tienen cobertura total para las vacunas contra la gripe; no hay ningún costo adicional.  

Secure member portal

Discover the convenience of mytuftshealthplan.com, the secure and easy way to better manage your health care coverage and make smart decisions about your health.

Who can register for mytuftshealthplan.com?

  • Tufts Health Plan subscribers with a commercial, Tufts Health Direct, Tufts Health Together, Tufts Health RITogether, or Tufts Health Unify plan (the person insured, either direct or through his/her employer).
  • Covered dependents of Tufts Health Plan subscribers with a commercial plan, age 18 or older.
  • Members with the following plans MAY NOT register for mytuftshealthplan.com: Tufts Medicare Preferred or Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options (SCO) plans.
  • If you are a Tufts Health Plan Medicare Preferred member, please visit tuftsmedicarepreferred.org for member resources.

Sign up today

Get instant secure access to your personal health plan information.

All you need is five minutes and your Tufts Health Plan member ID card to create your username and password.

Register now

What can I do on mytuftshealthplan.com?

Manage your coverage

  • Review your benefits to see what's covered
  • Look-up copayment, coinsurance and deductible amounts
  • Check the status of a claim, view 24 months of claims history and print your Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
  • Confirm referrals and authorizations

Take charge of your health

  • Take a personal health assessment and learn about your health
  • Check out the health and wellness multi-media library, chock full of videos, interactive tools, and MP3 audio files
  • Create your private, personal health record to store your vital health information

Manage your pharmacy benefits

  • View your pharmacy claims and prescription history
  • Check drug costs and co-payment amounts
  • Refill mail-order prescriptions and check order status
  • Learn about time and money saving tools
  • Access your secure message center

Changes + requests

Update your information

  • Change your primary care physician (PCP
  • Inform us of your new home or email address or phone number
  • Order a replacement member ID card
  • Certify your student dependent
  • Massachusetts members age 18 and older can print 1099-HC forms for state income tax filing