MyRewards from Tufts Health Plan

Shop, save and earn

Did you know ... the cost of a common MRI can range from $522 to $1,970 in Massachusetts depending on where you go?1 With MyRewards, you can get rewarded for choosing high-quality, cost-effective providers and services.

Sign up for MyRewards

Activate or login to your secure account at and click on Find a Doctor. Earn up to $100 for each preventive care service2 when you choose high-quality, cost-effective providers.

Earn up to $500 per year per member

Once you opt in, you can save money and earn money as you shop for coverage of health care services—like mammograms, colonoscopies and MRIs. 

You can pick a rewardable service and earn a gift card worth $50-$100.3

How MyRewards works

The process of MyRewards

Rewardable services

Rewardable services4 include the following:

  • Mammogram
  • Colonoscopy/endoscopy
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Carpal tunnel surgery
  • Echocardiogram
  • High-tech imaging (MRI, CT scan, PET scan)
  • Hip replacement/knee replacement
  • Maternity

Let the rewards begin!

You’ll save money – and you’ll earn money too!

  • Costs vary widely. Some providers can charge a higher price for the exact same service. The cost can be 2x-3x ore more!
  • Shop and save. Need an MRI but don't know where to go? Just look for the provider with the green trophy icon, which means high-value care for a great price.
  • Cash in and smile! Save money on your service and get rewarded for it. Start by logging into

Ask your provider if your service will be preventive or diagnostic: It’s important to know the difference. Preventive care is paid in full for most members4, other tests to keep you healthy might not be considered preventive. They are diagnostic services and you may have to pay for some of them. That’s why it’s important to find high-quality, cost-effective providers with MyRewards.

MyRewards is available to commercial fully-insured members (not including tiered products and Tufts Health Direct) in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Buy-up options are available for commercial self-insured employers. If you’re not sure whether your plan will include MyRewards, ask your employer.

  1. CompareCare —, 2018.
  2. Up to $500 per covered member and per year.
  3. The Provider Search Tool has a default of certain mileage from a member’s home address. Members can use the tool to broaden the search radius to locate providers with a green rewards trophy (service may depend on perimeters).
  4. Depending on your plan, you may need to check with your primary care provider to see if you need a referral or pre-authorization for your procedure and always refer to your member benefit documents for details regarding benefits and coverage.