With a new network of local acupuncturists, you will now have access to unlimited acupuncture coverage with no prior authorization or referrals required. This new acupuncture benefit was designed to help you receive the holistic care you need and deserve.
An alternative treatment for pain, acupuncture is commonly used to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of conditions, including: tension, migraines, neck pain and osteoarthritis
How it works
- Your visits are subject to your plan’s specialist or primary care physician cost share.
- If your plan allows for out-of-network benefits, your visit will be subject to your out-of-network deductible and or coinsurance. You will need to pay the provider out of pocket and submit a reimbursement1 form.
- If you’re on advantage plans your visits may be subject to deductible cost share.
How to find an acupuncturist
Use our provider search to find an acupuncturist in our network.
Choose "Login to Search" and search from your member portal.
- Reimbursement applies only to plans that have out of network benefits. For in-network only plans, members must visit a contracting provider within Tufts Health Plan network.
Acupuncture will be offered as a benefit January 1st for new members and upon renewal date for existing members.