Flu shots

The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. Flu shots are covered in full for Tufts Health Plan members; there’s no extra cost.


El número de casos de gripe estacional es elevado y sigue en aumento. Los miembros de Tufts Health Plan tienen cobertura total para las vacunas contra la gripe; no hay ningún costo adicional.  

Stroke and neurological conditions

Have you recently experienced a stroke?

How will our Stroke and Neurological Conditions Program help you and your caregiver(s)?

  • You will receive telephonic coaching from a Nurse Care Manager at your convenience
  • We will work with your interdisciplinary team (including physical, occupational and speech therapists, social worker, physician) to understand your specific treatment plan and how much progress you are making
  • We will provide assistance and refer you to community resources, such as support groups, disability resources, adult day health care and respite options for the caregiver
  • We will help you understand:
    • medication uses, side effects and interactions
    • risk factors of cardiac disease and specific preventive measures
    • dietary restrictions
    • equipment needs (utensils, canes/walkers, wheelchairs)
  • We will discuss mutually established health care goals for you to achieve
  • You will receive help navigating your insurance plan benefits and the health care system
  • We will help address behavioral health issues that may be impacting your physical health and refer you to one of our experienced Behavioral Health Care Managers.
  • We will assist in having conversations with you that facilitate life planning, setting goals, and communicating these goals to your families, significant others and providers.
  • We can help with long-term planning and implementing important documents associated with your health care decisions such as health care proxies.

What do your benefits cover (Medications? Durable medical equipment? Lab work? Inpatient/outpatient care?)

If you have questions about your benefit coverage, please check your Evidence of Coverage Document (EOC) on mytuftshealthplan.com or call our member services number on the back of your ID Card.

Have a medical concern and not sure what to do?

You have options to access the care you need when you need it:

  • Contact your Primary Care Provider or Neurologist
  • Reach out to one of our compassionate ane experienced Nurse Care Managers (specializing in neurological conditions) during business hours at 888-766-9818 x53532
  • Call one of our Behavioral Health Care Managers to help address behavioral health issues that may be impacting your physical health during business hours at 800-208-9565
  • Register for telehealth, powered by Teladoc® to access U.S. board certified doctors and therapists by web, phone, or mobile app – 24/7/365 at teladoc.com/tuftshealthplan1
Behavioral Health

Behavioral health

We can help you understand your behavioral health benefits and get access to care

If you or a family member suffer from behavioral health issues that could be impacting your physical health, our Behavioral Health Care Managers can provide support.

Learn more

Register or login to mytuftshealthplan.com to access relevant stroke support videos including:

  • Stroke: How to Prevent Another One
  • Stroke Recovery: Using Support to Stay Positive
  1. Please check your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) on mytuftshealthplan.com for coverage since your employer may be a self-insured Commercial group who needs to opt-in to this program. Telehealth is not available for members with Tufts Health Direct, Tufts Health RITogether, Tufts Health Together, Tufts Health Unify, or Medicare plans.