Flu shots

The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. Flu shots are covered in full for Tufts Health Plan members; there’s no extra cost.


El número de casos de gripe estacional es elevado y sigue en aumento. Los miembros de Tufts Health Plan tienen cobertura total para las vacunas contra la gripe; no hay ningún costo adicional.  

Plans & benefits

We understand that you and your employees have unique needs, whether you're a small business, a mid-sized firm or a large national employer. That’s why we provide a full range of flexible plan designs and broad network options to choose from. We'll work with you to find the plan solution that best meets your particular health benefit goals and budget.

At Tufts Health Plan, we offer a better experience for your employees. To illustrate, most plans have fourth-quarter deductible carryover that helps members save money when they need services at the start of a new benefit year.* Or, when emergency room care is needed, all of our plans provide peace of mind so members know they won’t receive surprise medical bills from us after the fact. And, if members have a chronic condition, we have compassionate nurse care managers who can assist them in navigating the health care system so they can get better and be healthier—and happier.

Flexible plan designs

HMO plans

With an HMO plan, care is coordinated through a primary care physician (PCP). This is a great plan option for employers that want to keep costs lower by keeping care in-network.

PPO plans

A PPO plan allows for members to receive care from any doctor without the need of a referral from a primary care physician. If providing your employees with the flexibility to see any provider they choose is important to you, a PPO is the ideal option. 

Advantage HMO and PPO

Advantage plans feature lower premiums than traditional HMO and PPO plans in exchange for cost-sharing through a deductible, coinsurance and co-payments.

Advantage Saver HMO and PPO

Advantage Saver plans are qualified High-Deductible Health Plans that may be paired with a Health Savings Account. Saver plans include the lowest premiums of any of our plan designs.

Tiered plans

Many employers want to provide employees access to our full provider network, while also providing them the opportunity to lower costs. A tiered network is a plan in which providers are grouped into “tiers” based on the value of care they provide, encompassing both cost and quality. Learn all the benefits of why tiered networks are smarter, not smaller.

Tufts Health Direct

Our focused-network plan for individuals and small groups in Massachusetts.

Learn more about Tufts Health Direct