Flu shots

The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. Flu shots are covered in full for Tufts Health Plan members; there’s no extra cost.


El número de casos de gripe estacional es elevado y sigue en aumento. Los miembros de Tufts Health Plan tienen cobertura total para las vacunas contra la gripe; no hay ningún costo adicional.  

You may need to renew your coverage

Look for mail from the state

June 13, 2023

As a Rhode Island Medicaid member, you may hear from the state about renewing your coverage. The renewal process is how the state confirms that people still qualify for Medicaid. This process usually occurs every year. It was paused during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Now, the federal government is requiring states to renew members’ eligibility again.

Not all members will go through this process at once. To get an estimate of when you may need to renew, log in to your account on HealthyRhode.RI.gov

Take action now

Here are some steps you can take before you hear from the state to help the process go smoothly:

  • Update your mailing address, phone number and email address with the state
  • Let the state know about any household changes, such as your income, a pregnancy or family size
  • Create an account at HealthyRhode.RI.gov if you don’t have one. This is the fastest way to update your info.

Open all mail from the state

If you need to take action, your notice will be on yellow paper. Some members with special circumstances might receive the notice on green paper. Respond by the due date on your notice to get the best benefit you qualify for.

No longer qualify?

Visit healthsourceRI.com to find other health care options.