Flu shots

The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. Flu shots are covered in full for Tufts Health Plan members; there’s no extra cost.


El número de casos de gripe estacional es elevado y sigue en aumento. Los miembros de Tufts Health Plan tienen cobertura total para las vacunas contra la gripe; no hay ningún costo adicional.  

Behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use)

We make different types and levels of mental health and/or substance use services available to you, based on the services you need and/or any medical conditions you have

To make sure you get the best possible care, our care coordinators can: 

  • Monitor and coordinate your treatment 
  • Review your needs for ongoing care 
  • Make sure you have timely and easy access to the care you need 
  • Give you information about community-based services 
  • Work with you to improve your and your family’s health 
  • Make sure your care continues smoothly, if you change doctors or plans 

To reach a care coordinator call 1-833-904-2273.

For more information, visit our Online Health Guide (link opens outside Tufts Health Plan's website). Or use our Find a Doctor, Hospital or Pharmacy tool if you need help finding a mental health provider.

woman looking upset or thoughtful

When you need help right away

Call or text 988 or chat online if you have thoughts of suicide or are facing a mental health crisis. You’ll reach the national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. You can talk with a counselor 24/7 who will listen, understand, provide support, and connect you with support if you need it. Services are free and private.

Visit 988lifeline.org

Get help for depression 

Thanks to advances in treatments, there are medications and other treatment options to help you recover if you’re feeling depressed. We can help you find resources in your community and work with your doctor to make sure you get the support you need. 

Know the signs of depression 

There are times in life when we feel “depressed” or down. Usually these feelings pass, but sometimes they don’t. When these feelings linger, they can leave us feeling hopeless. A feeling of emptiness may be a sign of a treatable medical illness called depression. 

Talk to your doctor about depression if: 

  • You feel hopeless or down every day for more than two weeks 
  • You believe these feelings get in the way of work or relationships 
  • You notice major changes in sleep habits, appetite, weight, energy level or concentration 

For more information about depression, see our Online Health Guide (link opens outside Tufts Health Plan's website). 

Substance use 

Opioid treatment program services 

The plan will pay for the following services to treat opioid use disorder: 

  • Medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and, if applicable, managing and giving you these medications 
  • Substance use counseling 
  • Individual and group therapy 
  • Testing for drugs or chemicals in your body (toxicology testing) 

Peer support/counseling/navigation 

The plan covers training, instruction and mentoring services if you qualify. These services will help you to advocate for yourself and participate in your community. You may get these services from a peer or in small groups.