Check out these important tips and reminders for a safe and healthy summer.
1. Sun safety
Summer is here—and so are harmful UV rays. Consider these simple tips to protect your skin:
- Be sure to use plenty of sunblock and wear protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses
- Get regular skin screenings with a primary care doctor or a dermatologist1
- Make skin safety part of your lifestyle with skin self-exams,2 access to sunblock at home and in the car, and sun-protective clothing and hats
2. Water safety
Swimming and other water activities are fun ways to exercise while keeping cool on those “dog days” of summer. But these tips will help prevent accidents:
- Closely supervise children when they are in or near water to prevent accidents or drowning
- Consider swimming lessons to learn or improve life-saving skills
- Don’t drink alcohol while driving a boat or other motorized vehicles
3. Stay cool in extreme heat
Summer in the northeast inevitably brings a handful of heatwaves when temperatures soar to 90° degrees or higher for several days on end.
- On extremely hot days, limit any strenuous outdoor activity to times when temperatures are at their lowest, in early morning and evening.
- Seek out shade and cool or air-conditioned spaces, especially at midday and afternoon, or cool down with a swim. (But don’t forget the waterproof sunblock!)
- If you’re visiting a theme park or other outdoor attracting, look for cooling stations, where you can take a break in a fine mist of water.
4. Tick bite prevention
Insects such as ticks are tiny but mighty and can be harmful to your health. Here are a few reminders to prevent a bite:
- Wear pants, long socks, and a tick repellent (containing DEET, lemon oil, or eucalyptus) on your skin and clothes when heading into tall grass and trees
- Shower and wash your hair within 2 hours after coming inside — check for ticks on your skin and scalp
- Put your clothes in a hot dryer to kill any pests that might be on them
5. Poison control
Remember, commonly used household chemicals and medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) can be poisonous. Follow these tips to be safe:
- Store household cleaners and medicines out of reach from children — preferably in a locked cabinet or closet
- Keep chemicals and medications in their original containers
- If you think you or someone you know has been poisoned, call the Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222 for immediate assistance
6. Stay hydrated
Water is good for you and keeps your body functioning properly all summer long. Try these tips to stay hydrated:
- Aim to drink 8-10 cups of water (try one cup at a time) throughout the day
- Avoid alcohol, sugary drinks, and/or caffeine — including sweetened lemonade, energy drinks and flavored milk
- Get out of the heat if you have any sign(s) of dehydration (including muscle cramps, dry skin, headache, dizziness, and/or fatigue) and again, drink plenty of water. If your dehydration becomes severe, call 911
7. Fireworks safety
Help prevent fireworks-related injuries all summer long.
- Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks — even sparklers burn at temperatures of about 2,000°F
- Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or sparks
- Attend community fireworks displays run by professionals rather than using fireworks at home
8. Firearm (gun) safety
As firearm ownership continues to rise, keep your children and loved ones protected. Children can be curious and accidents with firearms can be fatal.
- Keep firearms locked up and out of sight
- Store firearms unloaded
- Never allow children to play with or access firearms
9. Teach children how to call for help
Teach your children and caregivers how to call 911 for help - when they or someone they’re with is injured or in immediate danger.
- Teach them when they should call 911 (fire, choking, car accident, etc.)
- Practice what types of questions to expect from the operator and what information they may need to give
- Warn them to NEVER call 911 as a joke or just to see what happens
- A referral from a PCP may be necessary for dermatology appointments.
- How to Do a Skin Self-Exam – American Cancer Society® website