
You and your eligible dependents will now get your MassHealth benefits from Tufts Health Together, a managed care organization (MCO) plan. You may have signed up. Or the state may have assigned you to our plan. Either way, we are happy to have you as a member!


This welcome kit has all the details you need to get started. For more details about Tufts Health Together, visit our website. View your Member Handbook to learn more about your plan coverage, benefits, Member Rights and Responsibilities, Covered Services List and more.


Your plan benefits are ready and waiting. Get started below.

young child being held up in the air against a sunny sky
woman looking at a laptop with toddler on her lap

Join our member portal and choose a PCP

Our member portal is the easiest way to get the information you need any time. Find a health care provider, view your new member ID card and more. Sign up now.

You also can download the Tufts Health Plan app to start using the portal on your smartphone.

You will need to have a primary care provider (PCP) who is part of our network. Your PCP is the person you will see for much of your care. He or she helps keep you healthy. You can use the member portal to choose a new PCP.

doctor walking her patient down a hallway

Find a doctor or other provider

You can choose from our network of excellent, trusted health care providers. Visit TuftsHealthPlan.com/Together to find a doctor, hospital or other provider. See if the doctors you see now are in our network or search for new ones.

You also can call us at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711) and follow the prompts. Our member services team can help you find a provider who is right for your age, health concern and type of treatment.

doctor having a telehelath call with a patient

Check out your benefits

With Tufts Health Together, you get all the benefits of MassHealth, including:

  • Visits to doctors and specialists
  • Prescription and select over-the-counter drugs
  • Eye exams and eyeglasses

You also get EXTRAS perks from Tufts Health Plan. Get rewarded with gift cards just for taking care of your health. Learn more about EXTRAS at TuftsHealthPlan.com/TogetherEXTRAS.

See a list of covered services in your Member Handbook or Covered Services List 

You can call us if you have any questions about services that are or are not covered. Pharmacy copayments for covered generic, preferred brand-name and select over-the-counter drugs are free for members. You can choose from MassHealth's selection of eyeglasses.

About your plan

By joining Tufts Health Together, you’ve made a great move toward a healthy life. Here are some resources that will help you get the most out of your plan.

man with glasses looking at a laptop at home

Your member handbook and Covered Services List (CSL)

Your handbook and CSL have details about what your plan covers, your rights and much more. Go to TuftsHealthPlan.com/Together to view or download the handbook or CSL. You also can find our Provider Directory, forms you may need and more.

To get a printed copy of your Member Handbook or Covered Services List, call us at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711). We can also give you a copy in other formats, such as large print or braille, or in the language you prefer.

Your member ID cards

We will send you a member ID card in the mail. You’ll get it about 10 days after your plan starts. Each eligible member of your family will get a member ID card. If any information on your card(s) is wrong, please call member services at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711) and let us know.

Bring your Tufts Health Together member ID card and your MassHealth card when you visit your providers or pick up drugs at the pharmacy.

See which drugs are covered

Your plan covers prescription drugs when your provider orders them. Some brand-name drugs need prior approval (authorization). Or they may not be covered. For a full list of drugs your plan covers, visit TuftsHealthPlan.com/Together. Or call us at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711).

Get the care you need, when you need it

With Tufts Health Together it’s easy to find the help and the health care providers you need.

woman looking at her cell phone

Care during office hours

Your primary care provider (PCP) is the provider you contact first. Your PCP is on your side, helping you when you are sick and supporting you to stay healthy. Call your PCP when you need care during normal business hours.

To find a PCP in our network, use our search tool at TuftsHealthPlan.com/Together. If you need to see a specialist, your PCP will give you a referral and tell you who to call.

With Tufts Health Together, you don’t have to pay for checkups. Schedule a visit for a checkup with your PCP right away, even if you feel healthy.

How to Choose a PCP

Care after hours

Call your PCP’s office if you need care after hours. You can get help from a health care provider who is on call.

Talk to a nurse any time

Call our 24/7 NurseLine any time at 888-MY-RN-LINE (888-697-6546) if you:

  • Need help deciding whether or not you should go to the emergency room.
  • Want to know more about your health issue and/or treatment options.
  • Want to know more about drugs or treatments.

This service does not take the place your PCP or other providers.

Urgent care

Call your PCP or behavioral health provider 24/7.

Emergency care

Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room right away if you need emergency care for:

  • Chest pain
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • A mental health or substance use crisis

This is not a full list of when you should seek emergency care.

Get care in your own language

Our Provider Directory shows if a provider speaks languages other than English. Check the Provider Directory at TuftsHealthPlan.com/Together.

If you need an interpreter for a medical, behavioral health or dental visit, we can help. Please call member services at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call at least 72 hours before your visit. If you need an American Sign Language interpreter, please call at least two weeks prior to your visit.

We surround you with care

We want to help you improve your health and feel good. Your plan offers programs to help with your diet, disease symptoms and more.

group of people in a yoga class at a gym

Good Measures

Manage your weight and create a healthy diet through our Good Measures* program. You can work with a dietitian and create a personal plan. To learn more, go to TuftsHealthTogether.Goodmeasures.com or call 844-398-9510.

* Tufts Health Plan has a minority ownership interest in Good Measures. 

Care management

Care management is our way of making sure you get the support you need. No matter what. Our care managers can help you:

  • Manage symptoms and feel your best with chronic conditions.
  • Deal with long-term medical needs like cancer or caring for a sick newborn.
  • Get behavioral health care for things like depression or substance use issues.
  • Get help when you need food, housing and other resources that support your health.

To get personal help from our team, call 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711). Ask for care management.

Doula services

We know having a baby can be stressful. MassHealth offers a doula program to give you extra support.

A doula is a non-medical provider who can support you while you are pregnant, during labor and delivery, and after your baby is born. A doula can visit you at home to help you get ready for delivery, learn how to take care of your newborn and more! A doula does not take the place of your provider.

Behavioral health

Behavioral Health Service Navigation is a foundation of Tufts Health Plan’s whole-person care approach. Our highly trained and dedicated teams are ready to guide you from the very first phone call, to help ensure a compassionate and streamlined experience for you and your covered family members.

For more information, call Member Services at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711).

Get rewards for taking care of your health

Our EXTRAS program

woman with her children picking up a prescription at the pharmacy

Eligible Tufts Health Together members can get these great EXTRAS

  • Children, teens and adults can get a department store gift card for having a yearly checkup.
  • Members with diabetes can get a $25 supermarket gift card for getting five routine annual screenings.
  • Members can get up to $30 back on gym fees or fitness activities.
  • Eligible members can get a $25 department store gift card to use toward a child’s car seat or booster seat.
  • Eligible members can get a $25 department store gift card for making an asthma action plan.

Get rewards for getting your children immunized

Childhood immunizations

Get your child the recommended childhood immunizations and screenings by age 2, and we’ll send you a $25 supermarket gift card.

Adolescent immunizations

Get your child the recommended adolescent immunizations and screenings by age 13, and we’ll send you a $10 department store gift card.

To get EXTRAS or to learn more, go to TuftsHealthPlan.com/TogetherEXTRAS.

We’re here for you!

We want to make it easy for you to get the information and services you need.

smiling customer service representative

Member services

You can reach our member services team at 888-257-1985 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays. Our team can help you:

  • Understand your benefits and coverage.
  • Find a provider or urgent care clinic.
  • Get new a member ID card if you lose yours.

… and more

We have bilingual staff. We also have translation services if your first language is not English.


Our website is another great way to learn about your plan. Visit TuftsHealthPlan.com/Together to view your plan details. You also can:

  • Find a provider or pharmacy
  • Search for a drug on the Preferred Drug List
  • Get benefit details
  • View or download a Member Handbook or Covered Services List

Member portal

Our member portal is an easy way to find the information you need any time! You can search for a provider or choose a primary care provider. You can also view your new member ID card and more. Sign up at TuftsHealthPlan.com/MemberLogin.