MDs, DOs, DPMs or Oral Surgeons

Tufts Health Plan's process for credentialing and contracting hospital-employed providers, physicians, or providers employed by a physician group or licensed clinic are outlined below. For information on contracting independently licensed behavioral health (BH) providers, refer to Behavioral Health Allied Health Providers. For all other allied health providers, click here.

Network participation is contingent upon the successful completion of the credentialing and contracting process. For applicants who submit a clean and complete application (i.e. an application with no adverse responses, no quality issues, or missing information), the credentialing and contracting process for can take up to three months. Applications that are not clean and complete may experience a lengthier application process until all the necessary information is provided. The network effective date is the approval date of the credentialing application or the effective date of the signed contract; whichever is later. Providers are notified once the approval process is complete. Incomplete or illegible applications will extend the overall contracting timeframes. Refer to the Additional Information page for clean and complete credentialing application requirements.

For other resources and important information, visit the HCAS website.