Behavioral health (BH) integrated clinical management (ICM)

Based on your BH needs, the services you get and/or any related medical conditions, you may need added support

  • Have severe BH (mental health and/or substance use) issues
  • Have two or more BH hospital stays in a 12-month period
  • Have three or more BH emergency room visits in a 12-month period
  • Have not or cannot access services in the community
  • Have a catastrophic event
  • Had several hospital stays in the past
  • Have a new diagnosis of a major mental illness
  • Have health or cultural needs that require services from several agencies 

To talk to a care manager, call 866-738-4116 (TTY: 711). We’re open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. We’re happy to help.