The availability of hospitals and providers may change during the year. Please call member services if you have questions about a specific provider. Be sure that the provider you choose is affiliated with Tufts Health Plan, and check that he or she is able to take you as a new patient. Some network providers may not be able to take new patients. While Tufts Health Plan seeks to ensure the continued availability of network providers, providers may sometimes close or open their panels or leave the network. There may be many reasons for these changes, including provider retirement, a move out of the area, failure to reach an agreement regarding a contractual relationship with Tufts Health Plan, or failure to meet Tufts Health Plan credentialing standards. We regret any inconvenience these changes may cause.

Additional note: Your plan may not include all the services offered by the providers in this directory. For more information about your coverage, please check with your benefits administrator or your Tufts Health Plan benefit document.